Whenever mama talks on the phone, all I ever hear her say is "Fi is growing like a weed!" I just don't get it, because in the summer she picks all the weeds out of the ground and throws them away (and endlessly complains about it). How am I a weed??
This is my "hit me baby one more time" outfit (sans skirt, I wouldn't comply entirely with mom's game of dress up.)
This past weekend fall arrived with a vengence, it rained all day on Saturday - but if anyone is ready, it is me. I have a ton of cute new fall clothes and accessories to show off!
Seahawks season is here! Check out my Sea Gal outfit. I hope to try out for the squad next year, I have been working on my moves, especially to "Apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur"!
Mom is getting ready to go to the game. I don't care anymore, last year I was a baby, this year I am a big girl and I go hang out with nana and papoo and go on adventures!