Friday, December 19, 2008

Santa Baby

Mommy took some pictures of me rockin' around the Christmas tree...also, she took me to see some scary bearded man in the same outfit. It did not go well.Merry Christmas!
I think I look mischievous here, what must I have been getting into??
This is my "please put me on the nice list Santa" look.
Not good. I am turning my parents in for baby cruelty. What did they think, that if they put me in the same outfit as him, I wouldn't be scared? HA
I think this is a Christmas tree, only mommy calls it "gentle".
I am having way too much fun.
This might be my "naughty list" pose.

Thanksgiving and Picking out a Christmas Tree!

This year I was lucky enough to have both my grandparents in town for Thanksgiving! It was so much fun, everybody wanted a piece of me, I felt like such a celebrity. We also went to a Christmas Tree Farm to pick out our GIANT Christmas tree. Despite the weather being miserable, it was fun. I liked touching the prickly branches.
Grandma, mommy and me, huddling to keep warm.
Can I eat this grandpa?
Me and dad after he worked up a sweat cutting our tree down. I am pretty sure I heard some words I shouldn't have heard. Something about a cheap bleeping saw.
You can call me Santa's helper! I helped decorate the tree.
Two grandpas rock!
In my jammies after a fun night of overeating (not for me actually, I refused to eat anything but string beans)
I think I had just woken up from my nap here, I look so dazed!! Or maybe I had too much wine.
I love to be "soo big"!
Daddy and me in our matching Arizona tee's. Go Wildcats!
Guess who won the Apple Cup??? That's right Uncle Steve, the Cougs did!
This is my flapper pose.
I am becoming such a lady, says mommy
Could that smile get any bigger???

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday to ME!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! I am finally 1 years old!! I am going to go out, get my driver's license, buy some lottery tickets, hit the liquor store and rent a car. Oh wait, what's that you say? I can only face forward in my car seat?? Well, anyway...I had a great birthday and birthday party thanks to mommy and daddy. Check out my pics.Here I am on my birthday morning on my new horsey. I am quite the princess.

This is my first picture as a 1 year old. Mommy and daddy came in with a HUGE balloon and lots of hugs and kisses for me.
Mommy singing "happy birthday" to me!
Me, daddy and my enormous balloon!
Now is this a birthday get up or what?? Talk about princess!
Mama took me to the park on my birthday for some pictures and a ride on the swings. Check out my hip jacket from Auntie Gretchen. I look pretty cute in it.
Me, mama and my baby blues.
You would think that at my birthday all I would want is cake, however, I am very concerned as to what is going on. Why is there an open flame being shoved in my face?
Okay, open flame is out, mommy's spit is all over my cake, but I guess I will dip a finger in.
Me no likey mama!! Stop trying to make me eat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Check out my baby in the basket! Pretty cool, and the horse makes noises too!
Mom and dad got me my very own tent and ball pit. I LOVE it! It is so fun to throw the balls out all over the house.
My new dance stand is pretty sweet. It even has karaoke on it! It is hard to keep my mom off the microphone can also see my boyfriend Isaac crying in the picture, not sure what his deal was. Maybe I pushed him, who knows.
My princess cake that mommy and grandma slaved over and I wouldn't even touch.

Fun Times

In the weeks leading up to my birthday, I was having a lot of fun, spending my last days as a "baby". Toddler here I come!! I have started preparing my learning to throw tantrums. I clench my fists, squeeze my face and make loud, very attractive grunting noises. No pictures of said tantrum yet, but I am sure mommy will snap one soon.
Grandpa and I watching something on TV. Probably Elmo's World. I heart Elmo.

Reading one of my favorite books with Grandpa - Peek-a-Baby. It should be an Oprah's book club book
Psaghetti face!
Mommy bought me my first set of crayons!! You can see in this picture that I am debating, do I put them in my mouth or do I color on the wall. Hmm....decisions decisions.
Ohhhh. I get it, I practice on this paper and THEN I get to color on the wall. Or eat the crayon, whatever.
How many cheerios can one baby fit in her mouth at once? I bet I could be in the guiness book of world records. You can also see that Auggie wants to play too.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fall Fun!

T-Minus one week until my first birthday!!!! I am so excited I can hardly contain myself. All sorts of boxes have been coming in the house and I am just dying to know what is inside them. I really hope I get a Barbie car!! (If not, I will just call Santa and ask him :)) Anyway...I tried on my costume for Halloween and mommy took me to get my picture taken. It was pretty fun and I look pretty cute! I also went to my first pumpkin patch. I thought that at a pumpkin patch, the pumpkins grew on vines and we picked the best, roundest, plumpest one. Well apparently not at the pumpkin patch we went to. I saw them taking pumpkins out of boxes and throwing them onto the patch. WTBH!! (for those not savvy, that is What the Boo Hickey!). Also, I am not quite yet walking, but am pushing any piece of furniture I can get my sticky hands on to get around. Check out my pics!
If this cute little bee doesn't get 3 handfuls of tootsie rolls, I don't know what will!
This pumpkin patch is more real than the one we went to. And look at me standing all by myself!
Rolling in the leaves
I look like the April page on a silly baby calendar. Maybe mommy should sell it and make some cash :)
Trying to walk, and mommy trying not to be in the picture.
Are these edible?
Pollinating. I really get into playing the part of my costume.
Here is mommy and me at the alleged "pumpkin patch". As you can see in the background, these pumpkins are not attached to vines. What you can't see in the background is the box that they came out of.
Mommy holding the cutest pumpkin at the patch - ME
Ladies picking pumpkins
Scarecrow Fiona!
\Watch where that stem goes Papoo!
We ran into my friend Ayla at the patch.
You can see some vines in this picture, but I think they are faux.
Learning to walk with my highchair, and reaching in my toy box.
Learning to walk with my walker - and a balloon!! I am obsessed with balloons!!
Showing my teef for the camera
Cutest soon-to-be one year old ever!