Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sweet 16

I just celebrated my sweet 16 a few weeks ago. I did not get a Barbie Hummer if anyone out there wants to buy me one, that would be great! In the meantime, I have been busy growing some hair, playing with balls and learning to throw major tantrums. Enjoy!Playing football, mommy put my hair in a ponytail so that I could get down and dirty.
It's raining it's pouring, my boots are meowing!
Off to splash in puddles!
Mean muggin' mama, she wont unlock her iPhone :(
I am pretty good at bringing on the cheese.
Unlocking mommy's iPhone
I don't know why mommy had to take this...I was very upset about something (probably wanting my sock off, or something world changing like that.) so I threw a tantrum to get my way.
Playing catch with dada, I throw and kick.
I love balls.
Ow! Daddy hit my nose

Loungin' on the couch, watchin some Elmo (my favorite person in the world)
Totally couch potato
Mama, you are blocking Elmo, get out the way!
Much better, "La la la la la, Elmo's World!"
YUM, booty, my favorite!! I even try to eat it for breakfast.
Shoveling booty or hot dogs in my mouth, or both...
My fierce look of concentration.

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