Sunday, April 6, 2008

Spring Training

My tan from Hawaii had faded, so we decided to take a trip with Nana and Papoo to Arizona to visit Uncle Steve and Aunt Keely. I went to my very first baseball game all decked out in my cute Mariners gear (under my jacket, it was FREEZING, I thought Arizona was the desert, and from my vast knowledge, isn't the desert hot?? We had a great time though!
Go Ichiro!! Wait, mom I am facing the wrong way, turn around lady, the field is behind you! RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUULLLLLLLL
Family pic...I was asleep for the first few innings. Since we left early because it was so cold, I actually only saw 1/2 of an inning, wow baseball is a fast sport, I dont know what my mom was talking about it being so slow.
Me and mama cuddling to stay warm
Uncle Steve and me post game at home all warm in our jammies.

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