Sunday, January 20, 2008

13 pounds 11 ounces!

Hello everyone! I am almost 3 months old!! My mom keeps saying I am growing up too fast, i am not sure why, because once I can start crawling and walking- the world better watch out, I am going to be T-R-O-U-B-L-E!! I have been busy putting on some serious poundage...I now weigh 13 lbs. 11oz. Pretty soon I might need some sort of brasierre to hold up these cheeks. I am a little self concsious about my weight, as we leave for Hawaii in 2 weeks. I have been working on my thighs, I only have about 3 rolls, and I really want 4.
Relaxing after a big meal of mommy's moo juice. yum
I can sit by myself in my bumbo chair!

How on earth does mommy make this thing spin - I keep trying osmosis, but it isn't working

Things that make you go hmm

My Elvis impersonationI am a pretty girl!

My favorite time of day is when daddy comes home and plays with me! Mommy and I wait all day for it!

Daddy's are crazy!

I discovered a lovey! It is so soft and so yummy too! Mom, can I get some of this lovey after every meal? I like to eat the little satin tags the best.

A little privacy please. I am trying to spend some time eating my lovey.

Me and my friends chilling. The froggy on my right is Ribbita. She sings all sorts of songs and has a flashing light (I looove light shows). The guy on my left is Simon, his legs honk and he always has his tongue out just like me. We hang out everyday!
I am really trying to get up off the couch, but mom keeps on putting me back. Well that and my cheeks make me top heavy.

Yummy fist

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